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web > What is reality


It’s fun! Reality is you. If you existed for eternity and knew all things, eventually, you would break yourself into separate pieces each with its own unique perspective and experience with an infinite amount of variations and realities. You would purposefully forget who you are just so you can get so intimately and hopelessly wrapped up in it that you are totally convinced it’s real. Its ALL for fun! Enjoy, or don’t! Not enjoying is also part of the enjoyment of it all. Namaste

Fave take so far. Part of enlightenment is realizing that you create your reality. Take the time to fully feel the depth of your emotions when they arise OP. And no, I don’t mean just sadness. I’m talking anger, fear/anxiety, grief, guilt, shame, etc

Emotions are just energy in motion. When you fully allow them to be there, they inevitably run out of energy. Don’t try to change them, don’t try to reconcile with them, and certainly don’t identify with them. Just observe them and the thoughts that come up as the emotion runs it’s course

We are all taught since childhood to suppress our emotions, and as a result, we accumulate a lot of this negative energy within our bodies that effect the way we look at the world through the lens of the ego

When you learn to consistently release all this energy over time, you will find that you are in a much more joyful state, and attracting more joyful experiences into your life

Reality is supposed to be fun. And the ultimate gift the creator gives you on earth is the ability to choose what meaning you place on everything. Life is inherently empty and meaningless. You get to choose the meaning you place. You get to choose how you respond to life. Enjoy every moment. And when it’s unpleasant, allow yourself time to feel the emotion and release it. What you resist, persists. But what you give your attention to disappears