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web > Chakras are easy to feel


Well, it’s a low-resolution model that ancient people converged on for a reason, which is that it is starts from a readily-attainable subjective experience, which is then used to explain things in ways that surely go too far.

It is relatively easy to feel some of your chakras, I’ve done it, it took about a week of effort via a hodgepodge of breathwork, stretching, yoga, and “somatic” meditation facilitated by THC. You try to awaken muscles all over the body, “unblocking” points of tension, and eventually you start to have this impression of “energy”/“heat” flowing in loops from points on the spine, out along muscles and back again; in my case “unblocking” some of these caused buried emotions to pour out, and temporarily gave me near-perfect posture. It’s interesting: these are clearly a description of something real.