This isn’t to say the arts aren’t valuable! But I think much of their value is in doing them for fun, not trying to make a paying career out of them. When I first met Jeff it seemed possible he’d want to be a professional musician. When I look at his friends who have gone that route — on the road a lot, stressed about money — I’m glad that he’s done it as a part-time thing.
I expect to give our kids a message like: Follow your dreams to some degree, but be realistic about the student debt on your modern dance studies and what kind of life the typical dance major has at age 30. I’ll give you a hint, it does not involve full-time work as a dancer. If you end up with a job that doesn’t make you tear your hair out, and that pays enough for you to do other things you want to do, that’s a good outcome! Even better if you can do something that’s especially valuable for the world, too.