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web > Useful augmented reality


He’s wrong, of course. Perhaps I am biased because I am quite asocial, but squandering the full possibilities of AR to focus on social stuff is myopic.

Instead, AR should be about empowering the individual. I have no desire for “zoom, but heads-up”.

What I want is heads-up walking directions in an unfamiliar city. I want annotations of plant and animal species as I walk around the park. I want IKEA assembly instructions that make sense in 3D. I want to look up and know where any particular plane is coming from and going to. I want to know where the last time I saw that car with that license plate was. I want to leave cute messages around the house for my wife that are triggered by environmental cues (a heart in her coffee cup when she makes her morning latte, etc). I want to cross reference my grocery list with the store layout and plan the best path to get my shopping done. I want to blur out the advertisements and idiots around me. I want interactive virtual christmas decorations that I don’t have to pack away…