“Correct. We didn’t take into consideration that the digital markets function according to the winner-takes-all principle. That’s different to the nondigital markets.” “An example?” asks Peter. “Let’s say there are two ice-cream parlors on your street. Ice-cream parlor A is a tad better. Where would you go?” “Well, to parlor A.” “But everybody thinks like that. So there’s always a huge queue in front of parlor A. Sometimes they’ve even run out of your favorite flavor before you arrive. And parlor B really is only fractionally less good and not as crowded. Where would you go?” “Parlor B.” “And that’s how the clientele divides itself. Because ice cream can’t be copied and given out to all customers at once. Completely unlike…?” “Digital products,” says Peter. “When you get me to complete your sentences I feel like a stupid schoolboy.” “Rightfully so, rightfully so. Thus, from that we can conclude even if it were only minimally worse, there would be no reason to use the second-best search engine. Winner takes it all. Loser gets nothing. In the digital economy, nobody needs the second-best product, the second-best provider, the second-best social network, the second-best shop, the second-best comedian, the second-best singer. It’s a superstar economy. Long live the superstar, fuck the rest.”