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In general, try to forget about scales and focus on playing the changes. Visualizing arpeggios is the quickest way to playing the changes.

If you want to noodle around in a scale, then here are some good bang-for-your-buck your options:

  • Major Scale (for parts of a tune in a major tonality)
  • Harmonic Minor Scale (for parts of a tune in minor tonality)

But you should probably focus on playing something different over each chord. The best bang-for-your-buck arpeggios for gypsy jazz are probably something like:

  • Major Chord -> Major 6 Arpeggio (1, 3, 5, 6)
  • Minor Chord -> Minor 6 Arpeggio (1, b3, 5, 6)
  • Dominant Chord -> Dominant 9 Arpeggio (1, 2, 3, 5, b7)
  • Dominant Chord -> Diminished 7 Arpeggio from the b9 (b9, 3, 5, b7 - relative to the root of the dominant chord)