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It is both dense and sometimes difficult.

The story itself was not enough to keep me reading, in part because it jumps around a lot, especially in the beginning.

But the writing itself enthralled me — the quality and the depth of it. To me the book is clearly the master-work of a master. The quality of the writing alone kept me glued to the page for hours at a time (and it took many, many hours).

That said, although the story was not so engaging in the beginning, it did get considerably more interesting as it went on, it did stop jumping around so much, and in the end was satisfying and felt complete.

In fact, in full retrospect, it is one of the best stories I have ever read - because it resonated with me in a very personal way - but it’s not one that I would recommend to everyone, because it is deep and complex. And difficult.

I picked it up expecting and hoping for something challenging, but not as challenging as say, Infinite Jest. What I got was exactly was I was expecting challenge-wise, but the reward from making it through was actually many times greater than I had expected.